Selling a Pharmacy
The decision about selling a pharmacy.
Pharmacies all across America are experiencing decreased reimbursements, lower net profits, and declining business values. These factors are driving many pharmacy owners to consider their options. Most people do not like change, so of course making the decision to sell the business can be extremely difficult.
Whether you have made a firm decision to sell your pharmacy, or you are just having one of those days when you are thinking about selling, as a professional we know you want accurate and realistic information to assist your decision making. To provide you your first step in determining whether or not you want to move forward, we offer a free business valuation for pharmacies and drug stores.
When you desire to take the next step, as a national company that works exclusively in the pharmacy industry we have the industry data to support the valuations we present to qualified buyers. From valuing the business to following through to the closing day, we use our expertise to maximize the money you receive.
Guidance is provided throughout the entire pharmacy acquisition to ensure all aspects of transferring the ownership are completed and so you don’t have to figure out the steps on your own.
Selling a pharmacy is not like selling a house. There are – more regulations, consequences for errors, and lower net amounts received when the transaction is not negotiated or handled properly. Since selling a pharmacy is not part of your day to day activity, will provide you a positive advantage and more money in your pocket when you are ready to sell.
Sellers will need to consider in their decision making process the higher purchase price is able to receive, the assistance we provide during the many months of work required to complete a pharmacy acquisition, and structuring the transaction to provide the best tax benefit possible. These services can provide a considerably higher amount of cash for the seller.
The Decision to Sell Your Pharmacy
After years of growing the business, and with it usually being the largest asset for owners and their families, the decision to sell your business will be one of the most important events in your life. understands this and we appreciate the opportunity to work with you and your family in making the correct decision.
Contact us today to discuss your options, brainstorm ideas, or just chat about the weather. We are here to assist you.
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